CVRR Memorial Run & AGM 2024
CVRR Memorial Run/Walk (10:00 AM Start)
This annual run is in recognition of family and friends who have passed but live on in our memories. It is a free, low-key event for people of all pace levels from walkers to runners. Strollers are welcome, but no dogs please. Register at the Florence Filberg Centre, in the downstairs Evergreen Room, between 9:15 AM and 9:45 AM. At 9:50 AM, meet on the grassy knoll at the Riverside Fit Park on Anderton, just across the street from the Florence Filberg Centre overlooking the river, to remember our running friends who have passed. We will then proceed as a group, running or walking, to the trailhead of the Rotary River Parkway. Groups will run/walk either 3K or 5K. The CVRR welcomes all club members and the public to take part in the event. If you have any questions about the Memorial Run/Walk, please contact Roz Smith at [email protected].
Potluck Brunch (10:45 AM Start)
A potluck brunch will start at about 10:45 AM, in the Evergreen Room (downstairs at the Florence Filberg Centre), following the completion of the Memorial Run/Walk. Everyone is welcome. Please bring something to contribute to the potluck. Coffee and tea will be available.
Annual General Meeting (11:30 AM Start)
The AGM will start at 11:30 AM as we welcome Kenny Jones as our guest speaker. Here’s his bio:
The “business part” of the AGM (president’s report, treasurer’s report, nomination, and election of the new CVRR board) will all start at about 12:00 noon, immediately following the presentation. The AGM should be wrapped up by about 12:45 PM.
Please plan to participate in and attend the Memorial Run/Walk, potluck brunch, and the AGM.
Thank you. On behalf of the whole CVRR Board of Directors, we look forward to seeing you there!
Brad Crowe
Comox Valley Road Runners
[email protected]